2018 Fall B.A Courses
ST122_Bible Doctrine I 성경신학1_이철
- Teacher: Chul Lee
Formation 사역실습_이창수
- Teacher: David C.S. Lee
OT363_The Prophets 선지서_전병주
- Teacher: Byongjoo Jun
NT203_The Gospels 복음서_강서기
- Teacher: Seoki Kang
GS163_Intro. to Physical
Science 과학개론_최우성
- Teacher: Woo S. Choi
GH143_World Civilization 세계문명사_전병주
- Teacher: Byongjoo Jun
GE163_Intro. to Philosophy 철학개론_백성렬
- Teacher: Paul Baek
CO463_Human Understanding 디퍼런스_강서기
- Teacher: Seoki Kang
CE153_Christian Education 기독교교육_조현주
- Teacher: Hyun Joo Cho
to the Bible 성경개론_김대섭
- Teacher: Dae Sub Kim